About this Online Mall?

Online Mall Picture of a man and woman looking at the ocean. An image link to the sugestion form.We are a private South African company trading as Malling™. Malling™, this Online Mall mainly for South African shoppers, but anyone can shop here. We aim to help regular people start their own online stores, by sharing information and access, to free and premium tools, to build their own online stores.

Malling™ Online Mall?

Online Mall picture os a iPad with a mans hand swiping a credit card as if to make a purchase. An inage link to the information page section "Why buy online".What makes Malling™, an Online Mall? We are not a shop advertising our stock, and we do not handle payments. Shoppers deal directly with all the shops. All shops have a common similarity namely, delivery to South Africa via reliable courier services. Now you can finally visit a Mall 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

Contact us:

Online Mall picture of a notebook with the old DIY Supply Store written on the screen. An image link to the contact us form.We would love to have your shop join Malling™. We really appreciate your suggestions, and we would love to know how we can help you. Fill in the online request form or email us: admin(AT)malling.co.za, or write to PO Box 741, Plettenberg Bay, 6600